
Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Escape: The rabbit's leaping abilities apparently enabled it to avoid a grisly fate

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Athletic: The rabbit's canny escape attempt seemed to outpace this leopard on the prowl

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Success? One leopard cub got his teeth on the rabbit - but only managed to chomp on its ear

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Stand-off: The tiger apparently tried intimidating the rabbit by giving it the hairdryer treatment

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Playful: The big cats toyed with the rabbit but were not pictured going in for the kill

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Disapproving: The mother tiger would have had no problems catching and eating the white rabbit

Baby Leopards, Tigers and Rabbit in China Zoo
Nervous: These tiger cubs seem not to know what to do when confronted with a rabbit